Every blogger is on the lookout for different ways to increase their feed subscribers. You should be no exception. A common misconception is that just because you have more traffic you have more subscribers, this is not completely true.

What is true is that more traffic gives you more people to promote your feeds to, but if you are not successfully promoting you will not reach potential subscribers as you should be. If you take a look at the Technorati Top 100 you will find that even the most successful bloggers relentlessly promote their RSS feeds to their readers. So the big question is, what can you do to increase subscriptions for your blog?

Don’t be shy, just put it out there and recruit. Ask your readers to subscribe to your feeds, let them know you want them to. Include something catchy at the bottom of every post with a link to sign-up.
Place your RSS icons prominently. Make your feed subscriptions a main part of your design. Create a box that is big and bright with large icons so they stand out. Some people won’t think to sign-up if they aren’t reminded.
Another technique becoming more common is offering something to people for signing-up. Write an ebook or pamphlet on your topic that all subscribers get free access to.
Create a subscription page. Many bloggers are now creating subscription pages for people to go and easily sign-up.
These are four tips that if used correctly are sure to build your subscriber base. Do you have any techniques you use? Let us all know your secrets in the comments below.